Study in Spain

Do you want to study in a country with similar culture to Cyprus, while being abroad?

If yes, then you should definitely consider studying in Spain.

Spain has world recognized universities and is a country with rich history and culture.

The fees at state Universities in Spain are very low and the cost of living differs depending in which city is the university of your choice. Students who will choose to study in Spain will have tha chance to study in a country which has cities with a sunny climate. Spain has 50 state universities which offer both Bachelor and Master degrees. Moreover, there is a big selection of private universities as well.

Below you will find 4 reasons why you should choose to study in Spain:

  1. Mediterranean Climate and way of life

Spain has a similar climate with Cyprus due to the fact that a big part of the country is in the Mediterranean Sea. Locals are very friendly and have a rich culture. Many students choose to study mainly in cities like Madrid and Barcelona. Students who will choose to study in cities like Barcelona, Valencia, etc will be able to enjoy the beach and the sun all year long

2. Easy access to other European Countries 

Students studying in Spain can visit many European cities, either by plane or by train. Spain is also quite close to Morocco giving access to students and African countries.

3. Security

Spain is a very safe country for students and that is why many students choose it as a destination.

4. Spanish are easily taught  

If a student is interested in applying to a Spanish-taught degree, they can easily learn the language within a few months. Spanish is a language that can be easily learned from Spanish language schools in Spain.

For more information regarding studying in Spain contact us.